Monday, September 8, 2014

Baylor University

Baylor seems like a great school. Comment what you think about it. Here is the mission statement of Baylor, tell me what you think.

Mission and Values

The Baylor University College of Arts & Sciences exists to nourish students' individual lives, fostering their development as imaginative, engaged leaders who will use their skills and character to address the needs and challenges of the larger world.

The College of Arts & Sciences is the foundation upon which all Baylor students' educational experiences build. Skills in critical thinking, problem solving and oral and written communication are informed by introductory courses such as religion, literature, the arts, science, history and politics.

The College values:

  • The community of learning between professors and students.
  • A culture of discovery and application of knowledge in both traditional and emerging areas of study.
  • The commitment to civil society and the Christian values that undergird the academic community at Baylor.
  • An interdisciplinary mindset that acknowledges the "interconnectedness" of all the fields and professions represented in the College as well as understanding that the whole is greater than the sum of the parts.
  • Service learning, experiential learning and undergraduate research.
  • An awareness of the global community in which the university exists and striving to connect the classroom to the world.
Here are the academic departments and there respective teachers -Baylor University;

Arts and Humanities Chair
Art Prof. Mark Anderson
Classics Dr. Daniel Nodes
English Dr. Dianna Vitanza
History Dr. Kimberly Kellison (interim chair)
Modern Languages and Cultures Dr. Heidi Bostic
Philosophy Dr. Michael Beaty
Political Science Dr. David Clinton
Religion Dr. William Bellinger
Theatre Arts Dr. Stan Denman
Natural Sciences Chair
Biology Dr. Robert Doyle
Chemistry and Biochemistry Dr. Patrick Farmer
Environmental Science Dr. George Cobb
Geology Dr. Stacy Atchley
Mathematics Dr. Lance Littlejohn
Physics Dr. Dwight Russell (acting chair fall 2014)
Psychology and Neuroscience Dr. Jaime Diaz-Granados
Statistical Science Dr. Jack Tubbs
Social and Behavioral Sciences Chair
Aerospace Studies (Air Force ROTC) Col. James Parsons
Anthropology Dr. Sara Alexander
Communication Dr. David Schlueter
Journalism, Public Relations and New Media Dr. Sara Stone
Military Science (Army ROTC) Capt Harold Hamblet
Museum Studies Dr. Kenneth Hafertepe
Sociology Dr. Charles Tolbert

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